About Us

Hi, I'm Marie

Founder & Managing Director 

After years of working in SME and corporate companies, I decided it was time to go into business for myself and set up an accounting practice. 

While growing that business I used most, if not all, of the Steps from our Steps to Business Success Programme.

Now I use my tried and tested Steps, and business knowledge, to support small business owners.

Why Next Steps for Business?


Next Steps for Business was created so I could help and support as many small business owners as possible.  Small businesses are vital to the country's economy - they're its life blood!

I want to help as many small business owners as possible, have effective, sustainable and successful businesses. 

Whatever success looks like for you, whatever your past and present experience, you can learn and grow your business knowledge with us.  And whatever aspect of your business you need help with, we've got a Step that can give you simple and easy to digest and implement solutions, so you can be successful in your business.



Meet The Team


We are passionate and eager to share our knowledge of operating, growing, scaling and making the business work for you, not you working for it.

Marie Ellis

Founder & Managing Director

Vicky Nichols

 Client Relationship Director



Offer to get people started